Maximize Your Kitchen Cleaning with an easy to remember routine!
The more you have a system to organize, the better your life will be! The system is to clean as you go. Don’t leave one day a week to cleaning. By doing smaller steps, you are more likely to make sure the clutter does not pile up.
Lorie Marreo, creator of The Clutter Diet, says “what if you decided not to brush your teeth all month, and on the last day of the month brushed them 30 times? That clearly would not work — somethings need to be done regularly to be effective.”
Two acronyms can be used for this:
DEW and SSS:
In the morning, put away the clean dishes from the previous night. Plan your eating if you have not done so already with our Meal Planner & Grocery List Google Sheets Doc. Use Meal20 @ checkout for 20% off! Then you start a load of laundry in the morning.
Before Bed, start the dishwasher so the cycle can run overnight. Set yourself up for tomorrow: basically get whatever you need ready so you are not fumbling for it in the morning (for instance, lunch, work bag, and getting your keys ready.). Straighten up: is there anything laying on the couch, counter etc that could quickly pick up.
Basically, your morning helps your evening and your evening helps your morning!
This is a challenge that I accept. I am hoping that this will help out with my mental state so when I wake up, I don’t have to worry about a lot of things.
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